294. Prague Cemetery by Umberto Eco

Abracadabra! And I appeared. As suddenly as I 'disapparated'. Blogging became boring. I got other interests. I learnt (still learning) a computer language, took up some courses related to my 'profession', Kofi - my son, came along etc. But I also (re)read a few books, about which I did not blog. Hence, I will be attempting to go back in time to just talk about (not review) some of the books I read. 

Prague Cemetery falls into the kind of books that could hold your attention span for longer periods of time. Those books that are exactly as you perceived them to be. For those Dan Brown fans (of which I am not excluded), take any of Dan's books, add more intriguing plots, and crank up its literary value. To this, add the fact that almost every character in this novel has a historical counterpart, and you will get an amazing book that takes you through the historical development of conflicts, assassinations, and much more. The book sought to portray how individuals working for nations, organisations, churches, secret societies are able to conjure non-existent enemies just to justify their employ and in doing so cause mass delusion.

This is the first book I read in the year and though I have forgotten the details, I remember smiling and staying up to read it. A commercial assessment of Prague Cemetery and any of Dan Brown's novels shows how bad product can become popular through effective marketing and advertising, for there is no way the any of the latter can stand up to the latter in terms of its literary value, denseness of the plot among others.

I enjoyed this novel. Have you read it? What do you think?


  1. Congratulations!!!! and welcome back!!! Yuppy!!! and congratulations on your newly born!!! :-)

  2. Welcome back. You were missed. I will be on the lookout for Prague Cemetery.

  3. Welcome Back & I agree on any level apart from commercial success there's now way that Dan Brown can compete with Umberto Eco, I own this book but have yet to read it, although have read others by this writer.

  4. Are you still blogging or writing anywhere? I'm still at trixiejames.blogspot.com on again off again.


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