274. Animal Farm by George Orwell

George Orwell 's Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm are classics in more ways other than literary. His exploration into the intricacies of politics, the psychology of politicians, and the eventual outcome of revolutions provides conclusions that are themselves revolutionary and almost incomparable. The former is the book that gave us words like Newspeak and Big Brother, whose frequency of use has shot up in this period of massive surveillance and draconian government agencies [1] . If the recent National Security Agency's (NSA) global surveillance has increased interests in Nineteen Eighty-Four , then the series of uprisings and pseudo-revolutions across Africa and the Middle East, christened Arab Springs by the Media, should equally force us to reread Animal Farm , as this book - more than any other - shows the effects of uncontrolled and unfocussed revolutions. One can cite the Egyptian uprising which toppled the Mubarak regime and its successor Morsi government,...