September in Review, Projections for October

Actually, this is becoming a cliche; however, in this instance the description is more apt than it had been in previous months' reviews. I almost did not read anything in September, besides completing Huckleberry Finn (started and reported read in August), starting and completing WPG's selected book of the month September A Streetcar Named Desire (by Tennessee Williams), and starting another. Thus, I only read one book within that month. The other two are spillovers from or into other months. What this means is that I have read a total of Forty (40) books out of the projected sixty (60) for the year and at this rate I am five books behind - at least that is what Goodreads tell me - with three months to go. Consequently, I will need to read an average of 7 books a month to meet this target, which is (im)possible, depending on the kind of books read.

However, I must say that my reading interest has picked up and I am once again having a fantastic reading time with this tome, Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa's Indaba, My Children - African Tribal History, Legends, Customs and Religious Believes. This is a book anyone who had questions about Africa prior to colonisation should read.

I hope to read more books in October than I did in the last two months if I want to complete that challenge. There are few books that will lend themselves to fast and fun-filled reading, implying that I will need to buy more books. However, the following two books are more likely to be read, in addition to completing the one I am currently reading:
  • African Roar 2013 - edited by Emmanuel Sigauke. This is the third short story anthology from StoryTime. It has become an annual anthology that seeks to give a platform for new African voices. This is a project that needs to be supported. Congrats to Emmanuel Sigauke and Ivor Hartmann who work tirelessly to get this publication out.
  • A Bit of Difference by Sefi Atta. This is the author's new book and I got my autographed copy when WPG hosted her at the Goethe Institute as its reader for the month of September. 
Note that this month the Book and Discussion Club of the Writers Project of Ghana will be reading and discussing The Ghost of Sani Abacha by Chuma Nwokolo. This is a collection of 26 fantastic short stories. You can join us as we bring the book discussion to twitter through our handle @writersPG and follow the discussion through #wpghbookclub. If you also want to be part of the 'physical' discussion, at Legon, kindly let me know.


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